We're a team of sleep coaches who have also struggled with our babies' sleep

And we’re living proof that bedtime can go from a dreaded challenge to a consistent, connected & joyful time with your child.


You would spend evenings connecting with your partner - maybe you'd finally get to enjoy that TV show. You would have a routine that’s reliable so you can make plans around nap and bedtime. Maybe you would even fall asleep confident that you'll wake up well-rested so you can function well as a human being the next day.

No, this isn’t an impossible standard. Sleep isn’t meant to be perfect, but it can be predictable and routine. That’s what we’re here to help you achieve.

hi there!


founder of via graces & pediatric Sleep consultant

based in Alexandria, Virginia

I'm an elementary teacher turned sleep consultant in Northern Virginia, wife to my wonderful hubby, and mama to three sweet girls who all sleep in their own beds all night long.

We didn’t ‘luck out’ with great sleepers from the start. When our oldest was four months, her sleep became sporadic and inconsistent. Short naps, endless rocking, and nursing through multiple night wakings all become a part of our every day — just in time for me to return to work.

One night I actually fell with our baby in my arms as I was walking to her crib after what felt like the hundredth wake up, yet I thought that’s just the way it had to be and she’d eventually figure it out. 

The sleep deprivation was unbearable, and when she turned 10 months, I was on summer break and desperate to sleep again. I discovered and learned how to sleep train, and within days, our little one was falling asleep in less than ten minutes, sleeping through the night, and taking great naps.

This experience was so life-changing, I wanted to help other young families reinstate hope for necessary rest in their daily lives. Via Graces was born in 2019, and I now spend my days creating personalized sleep plans and supporting parents to do exactly that.

hey y'all!


via graces pediatric Sleep consultant


After years in the corporate world, I'm now a stay-at-home mom and sleep consultant in Mississippi. After struggling with infertility for years, our little one was born and felt like a true miracle. That joy was met with the challenges of postpartum depression, a tough breastfeeding journey, and inconsistent sleep.

Our son was born at the height of COVID, so we felt isolated from the support of our family and friends. He wasn’t eating or sleeping, and I was struggling with postpartum depression, breastfeeding, and heightened anxiety; and without sleep, we were in survival mode every day and night.

I soon realized that if I wasn’t thriving, my sweet baby wasn’t going to thrive either. And I needed sleep to thrive. When our child was six months, I started working with Lauren. Our lives transformed within the first 48 hours of sleep training. So much so, that I become a pediatric sleep coach and joined the Via Graces team to help other families transform their sleep routines, too.

our Approach

Sleep training doesn’t mean your child has to ‘cry it out’. Some crying is to be expected, but we’ll never tell you the solution is to simply leave your little one alone to cry until they fall asleep. 

Routines are meant to be consistent, but we all have off days, and we need room for spontaneity and special occasions. We believe you can have both!

As teachers by trade, we help you understand the 'why's, and we break down plans into easy-to-implement steps you can handle in a time of heightened stress and anxiety.

Start learning about sleep right here

With so much information about babies and baby sleep available, sometimes, you just need to start small.

Our library of resources and sleep recommendations are freely available to support your family’s sleep journey.

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Featured blog post

The Four Most Common Sleep Training Methods

There aren't any secrets in the sleep training world. Read about the four most common sleep training methods out there, as well as the two we use when working with families.

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