In just two weeks, you'll be able to lay your baby down & know they'll be asleep within minutes

For babies 4-17 months old

get your personalized plan

sleep training for babies

Teach your baby to put themselves to sleep - 'cry it out' method not required

When you have a baby, you know there are going to be sleepless nights. And there's a certain adrenaline that kicks in and helps you survive those first few months! But then the four month regression comes around and it might send you back to even more night wakings or short and unpredicatble naps. And you might be back at work now, or the extra help you had in those early days is probably gone, and you're in survival mode. The good news is, you don't have to wait for your baby to juse 'figure it out.' They are now capable of learning how to fall asleep independently, both at bedtime and nap time, and when they're physically ready, they'll be able to sleep through the night.

all the details

Take the guesswork out of sleep training

You don't have to read any more books, take any other courses, or scour every blog post out there about infant sleep. No more crossing your fingers that this new trick will finally do it. We've already done the work and will personalize it for you in a step-by-step seep training plan that meets your baby and family's needs. Your sleep training plan will include:

tips to ensure your baby's sleeping environment is safe and ready

an age-appropriate schedule and routines to implement

day-to-day instructions through a sleep training method at bedtime

guidance for how to approach night wakings, whether your baby needs a night feed or not

a plan for nap time and what to do when it's not working

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Your baby is growing and changing every day — BUT WITH A PLAN, great SLEEP can be the constant

Work With Us

We offer a variety of sleep support options for families with babies ages 4 - 17 months.

Standard Baby Package


questionnaire to get to know your child & family

60-90 minute consultation to review your personalized sleep plan

Daily sleep log assessment

2 weeks of unlimited Email, text support, & scheduled follow-up CALLS

A "Sleep tool kit" to navigate future sleep changes

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Basic Baby


QUESTIONNAIRE to get to know your child & family


2 support emails, as needed, throughout the 2-week plan

purchase now

Prior to working with her, we were exhausted, frustrated and feeling hopeless. Our 5 month old would cry hysterically before naps and at bedtime. She was waking every 2-3 hrs all night. Each nap required so much effort from us to get her to sleep. Lauren provided a detailed and personalized sleep plan tailored to our family...Now at the end of our two weeks she is putting herself to sleep without crying and sleeping 8 hour stretches at night! I feel like we are finally able to really enjoy our sweet girl. 

- brittany from virginia

My son was nearly 5 months old, but just 3 months adjusted, when I decided to reach out to Lauren because I was completely lost trying to figure out how much sleep he should be getting. Lauren jumped at our unique challenge and was able to figure out exactly what worked for our little guy. 

- megan from ohio

In less than one week, our 16 month-old daughter went from co-sleeping to sleeping on her own for 12 hours without any significant wakings! Naps were a challenge as well, but Lauren was dedicated to helping us with our stubborn girl! Lauren created a specific sleep plan for us and was always willing to tweak as necessary. She has been reliable, patient, and accessible. Please allow Lauren to help your family too! It has meant the world to having our nights back.

- meredith from virginia

Kind Words from our clients

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A Baby Sleep Training Plan is For You


You want to kiss your baby goodnight and know they'll fall asleep within minutes

You want to keep nursing your baby and sleep through the night when they're able

You want to feel confident that your baby will nap for more than 20 minutes 

You're ready to watch an entire TV show after bedtime without interruption

purchase now

How the Process Works

at A quick glance

choose a package

Select which sleep package will best support your baby & family. You'll then be led to sign a contract and pay the invoice. 


You will then get a questionnaire to fill out about your baby's sleep and your family's schedule and goals. 

book a call

Next you will book a 60-90 minute call with Lauren or Maura to go over your baby's
sleep plan in detail. 

personalize a plan

Your sleep coach will then personalize a sleep plan for your baby that we'll go over together in detail on our call. 


We will be in touch over the phone and/or email to further navigate your baby's sleep as you implement the plan.

Get sleep

We're confident that by following the plan with consistency, you will have an independent sleeper when we wrap up! 

I'm ready!


Can I still sleep train my breastfed baby?

Yes! As an extended breastfeeding mama (Lauren) and a combo-feeding mama (Maura), we are passionate about making sure you know that no matter how you feed your baby, they are capable of sleep! We will practice keeping your baby awake during feeds and separating sleeping from feeding, so your baby does not rely on the breast or bottle feeding to get to sleep. 

Can I sleep train if my baby still needs night feeds?

Yes! The goal of sleep training is independent sleep. Once babies are able to naturally connect their sleep cycles through the night, they most often night wean naturally when they're physically ready.  Babies under 6 months of age, especially, often still need a night feeding, so we will write these feeds right into the plan. Similarly, if your baby has a medical challenge or the doctor has advised you to continue night feeds with your baby, we will personalize the sleep plan around your little one's needs. You can read more about what it looks like to sleep train a baby who still needs night feedings here

Can we sleep train if our baby is still sleeping in our room?

Yes! While we do not work with families who plan to continue to bed share, you can absolutely still room share and sleep train your baby. 

Do you work with families of multiples?

Yes! Families of twins and triplets are capable of sleep, too. Your babies will be following the same sleep plan and we will personalize the plan according to what your specific family's needs are. 

Can we work together if I don't live in Central Ohio or Mississippi?

Yes! The beauty of technology is that we are able to work with families local to Columbus, Ohio or Ocean Springs, Mississippi, as well as those worldwide! All of our interactions are virtual, whether you're local or not. 

How do I know which package is best for my baby?

This is totally based on how much support you will want during your baby's two week sleep training plan, as you will get the same personalized sleep plan with both packages. With the standard package, we will check your sleep log daily and provide regular feedback. You will also have unlimited access to ask us questions. With the basic package, you are essentially implementing the plan on your own, but have access to emailing us twice during those two weeks to gain any further guidance. So it all depends on what level of support will make you feel the most supported and confident in the process! 

As a parent, it can be overwhelming to decipher where to invest in support for your child.

We totally understand the feeling, and we want to support you to make the best decision for your family & little one. 

If you’re uncertain about what package or sleep plan option is the right fit or have additional questions about working together, you can book a 20-minute call to connect with our team before booking your service.

book a disocvery call

Start learning about sleep right here

With so much information about babies & baby sleep available, sometimes, you just need to start small.

Our library of resources and sleep recommendations are freely available to support your family’s sleep journey.

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