When it comes to sleep training, you don't know where to begin...

You want some predictability back into your day - and let’s be honest, you need some 'me time' again - but you don’t want to sacrifice the closeness and connection you feel to your little one. And while you know the changes you need to make, you’re feeling anxious about the tears, or doing it all and it just not working. Truthfully, you need someone trustworthy to tell you what to do so your whole family can sleep again.

We know exactly how you feel. Just take a breath and remember this: you’re the best parent for your little one and we’re here to support your family’s sleep journey. As pediatric sleep consultants, we work with you 1:1 to personalize a sleep training plan so your little one can get consistent and restorative sleep…

How the Process Works

at A quick glance

choose a package

Select which sleep package will best support your family. You'll then be led to sign a contract and pay the invoice. 


You will then get a questionnaire to fill out about your child's sleep and your family's schedule and goals. 

book a call

Next you will book a 60-90 minute call with Lauren or Maura to go over your baby's
sleep plan in detail. 

personalize a plan

Once you're on our calendar, your sleep coach will personalize plan for you that we'll then go over together on our call. 


We will be in touch over the phone and /or email to further navigate your child's sleep as you implement the plan.

Get sleep

We're confident that by following the plan with consistency, you will have a confident sleeper when we wrap up! 

toddlers & Young kids

As a parent, it can be overwhelming to decide where to invest in support for your child.

We totally understand the feeling, and we want to support you to make the best decision for your family & little one. 

If you’re uncertain about what package or sleep plan option is the right fit or have additional questions about working together, you can book a 20-minute call to connect with our team before booking your service.

book a disocvery call

I will forever be grateful to Lauren for helping us sleep train our then 10 month old son! We reached out after hitting a breaking point - our son was waking up several times a night and needed to be rocked back to sleep and/or breastfed to sleep every time. While this system was good enough when he was younger, it no longer worked for us as he grew older and heavier. And we were able to achieve this in a gentle way that didn’t compromise our values as parents or the attachment bond that we have with our son.

- carla from washington d.c.

To be completely honest I was always very unsure of any sleep training, but Lauren made it manageable, gave me options, and never made me feel badly about my hesitations. I totally trusted her and it worked. My 15 month old son was always a good sleeper but started getting us up from 2-4 am every day all while trying to figure out how to transition him from 2-1 naps. We were absolutely exhausted. Within a week he was putting himself to sleep and no more early morning wakings.... 

- Nora from new jersey

Why didn't I use a sleep consultant like Lauren with my first child?! Seriously, we were so very thankful to be able to use Lauren's services to help our sweet baby girl... Before Lauren bedtimes were always a gamble; people putting her to sleep so we could have a date night was a mess; and nap times with my little 2yr old toddler constantly interrupting and messing up...I was becoming one stressed mama. In less than two weeks little lady was sleeping through the night, bedtime put downs became easy, and naptimes? She is rocking them!

- laura from Virginia

Kind Words from our clients

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Four Steps to Say Goodbye to Night Wakings

Are you wondering when in the world your baby will finally start sleeping through the night? Or why your toddler is waking in the night again? Or how to keep your child in their own bed all night? This guide will help you figure it out in just four steps!


sleep is hard, but

No one should have to figure it all out on their own

And that's why we're here! Whether it's through our 1:1 coaching, our guides, classes, or weekly tips and tricks, we are here to help make sleep possible for your little one and family. And we're here to do it with a lot of (or 'via') grace!

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