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Your little one's sleep doesn't have to be a mystery

Search the blog for all things newborn, baby, & toddler sleep, so you feel confident tackling whatever sleep challenges come your way

road trips with kids

Road trips with kids…even though we’ve done it several times, it’s still feels like quite the ordeal each time. And planning them is one thing I’m pretty Type A about, but it’s certainly worked to our advantage. Our trips definitely don’t always go according to plan, which is to be very expected, but being prepared […]

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mouth breathing, teeth grinding, lip and tongue tie

When I work with families, I help them adjust schedules, routines, and environments, and we walk through a plan that will teach their little one to fall asleep independently; we work on making behavioral and environmental changes that lead to success! And for most families, this is exactly what they need to solve their child’s […]

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fighting naps

I say this all the time when I’m working with families…naps are HARD! They’re often the toughest part of the sleep puzzle, and babies fighting naps is a common struggle. And that’s because daytime sleep is simply different than night time sleep. At night, we have melatonin, our natural sleepy hormone on our side helping […]

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milestones and sleep regressions

Sleep regressions…yes, they’re a thing! But as I’ve mentioned before, rather than being connected to specific ages, sleep regressions are most often associated with our babies and toddlers reaching new developmental milestones, such as rolling, crawling, walking, and talking. Our little ones are ready to practice and they often do so when they should be […]

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bedtime responsibilities

“I’m the only one who can put her to bed.” “I can’t go anywhere because she won’t sleep for anyone else.” “We have to choose between having friends over and an overtired baby, or missing out on time with friends because he’ll only sleep if I lay with him.”   Sound familiar? The good news […]

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teething and sleep

“She must be teething.” I wish I could tell you how many times Jason and I said that very sentence, assuming Olivia’s sleep challenges must be connected to teething. I’m also embarrassed to tell you how many times we gave her baby Tylenol because we thought she must surely be in pain and therefore not […]

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night wakings

“Is your child sleeping through the night yet?” Some of you may cringe when someone asks you that question, because the answer is a big old, “Nope,” and you’re just longing for the day you can say, “YES!” It’s truly an exciting milestone when a little one sleeps through the night for the first time, […]

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baby massage

As new parents, we all love exploring our new little one’s sweet newborn body. We kiss and caress and do all those new mom things! Massage can be added to your daily routine to enhance that connection. There is something special about setting aside a few minutes to give purposeful touch to your baby. You […]

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baby sleep

It’s one thing to hear about sleep from a sleep consultant’s perspective and experience, but it’s another to hear about it firsthand from another parent who has been through the process and is willing to share about their personal journey! I’m excited to have Molli Atallah on the blog, sharing about her experience working with […]

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As the New Year is upon us, I’ve already talked with some families who are ready to make SLEEP a goal for the New Year. They want help teaching their child independent sleep skills, both as a gift to their child and also as a gift to themselves! I’ve also talked with some families whose […]

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welcome to the podcast

All it Takes Is a Plan

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Being a parent is beautiful and messy, but when it comes to most things in parenting, all it takes is a plan - AND a whole lot of grace. Each week, Lauren will share new sleep tips and tricks, or simply real life parenting moments. She'll also interview other experts to share practical advice to help us navigate pregnancy, birth, babies, and beyond, with "plans" and "graces."