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Your little one's sleep doesn't have to be a mystery

Search the blog for all things newborn, baby, & toddler sleep, so you feel confident tackling whatever sleep challenges come your way

Sleep training and how we approach sleep with our kids, in general, is a hot topic. Then bring that topic into a family where people might have different opinions and things can get tricky – especially with grandparents! The way my parents approached sleep, and just the knowledge around sleep, was so different when I […]

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nap transitions

When I work with families one-on-one, I often say that naps tend to be the hardest part of the sleep puzzle. That’s because daytime sleep is just plain different than nighttime sleep, and if sleep is going to get thrown off by a change, it’s likely the naps that will take the first or hardest […]

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Nap transitions can be tough, and in both my personal and professional opinion, transitioning babies from three to two naps can be scary and feels like “uncharted territory,” AND it’s also an exciting transition! Your baby can finally start moving to more of a set, clock-based sleep schedule rather than focusing so strongly on awake […]

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The transition from four naps to three naps isn’t super straightforward – it’s a lot more fluid than other nap transitions, and it often just kind of happens. But for some families, it doesn’t “just happen” and it’s tough to know when and how to transition to three naps. So in this blog post, I’ll […]

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The Wonder Weeks app (and book) – will it actually help your baby sleep?? People seem to really land across the board with The Wonder Weeks. Some love it and swear by it, some have it but just kind of reference it as they think of it, and others don’t have it, maybe haven’t ever […]

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sleep training plans

When I had my oldest, I had certainly heard of “sleep training,” but the only thing I knew about sleep training was that you had to lay your baby down, walk away, and let them cry until they fell asleep (also known as the Cry-it-Out Method). [Spoiler alert, that’s not the only sleep training method, […]

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Most sleep consultants’ journeys start with a baby or toddler who wouldn’t sleep, then you maybe buy a course, or hire a sleep consultant, or do lots of research. Then once you’re finally on the other side, you can’t keep your mouth shut and want to share the same amazing sleep with the world. And […]

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bedtime routine

When I was first told 3.5 years ago that I should establish a nap and bedtime routine with my baby girl, I was a little overwhelmed. What would we do? What song should we sing? Would this really matter for a newborn? What if we somehow messed it up? So Jason and I chatted through […]

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I absolutely love this time of year and the excitement that builds as the holidays draw near, however, there is also a lot of hustle and bustle that can come with it that can prove stressful. And with kids in the mix, potential travels or holiday gatherings, new sleeping environments, and schedules to work around…it […]

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I often remind families that our kids are real human beings, not robots. So yes, while we can get your child’s sleep to an amazing and consistent place, we can also expect off-nights to happen. As a sleep consultant and mom, I want you to know that my wonderful sleepers are also human. So in […]

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All it Takes Is a Plan

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Being a parent is beautiful and messy, but when it comes to most things in parenting, all it takes is a plan - AND a whole lot of grace. Each week, Lauren will share new sleep tips and tricks, or simply real life parenting moments. She'll also interview other experts to share practical advice to help us navigate pregnancy, birth, babies, and beyond, with "plans" and "graces."