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Your little one's sleep doesn't have to be a mystery

Search the blog for all things newborn, baby, & toddler sleep, so you feel confident tackling whatever sleep challenges come your way

nap routines

If you’ve done some digging into baby and toddler sleep, even just a little bit, you’ve certainly read about bedtime routines. Consistent bedtime routines are SO important, to help our littles ones mentally register that sleep is coming and for their physical bodies to continue preparing for a long stretch of sleep (think melatonin!). While […]

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best sound machine

When it comes to baby products, the choices are endless! There are SO MANY products out there – some of which are great, some which you could easily do with or without, and some that just seem pointless. And the same goes for baby and toddler sleep products! In this blog post, I want to […]

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baby deedee sleep sack

Cold weather is approaching quickly in Northern Virginia, and if you’re farther north, it has probably fully arrived! So with the cold weather, questions about how to keep your baby warm is an important question to ask – how to keep your little one warm when outside playing, in the car as it’s still heating, […]

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milk supply and sleep

I still remember the first time my oldest slept through the night. It was actually a total fluke (she was 8ish weeks old) and she didn’t do it again until she was 10 months old and we sleep trained. BUT I vividly remember waking up that morning and my boobs HURT. They were so full […]

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“Never wake a sleeping baby.” My guess is that most of you have heard this piece of advice at one time or another, and if you haven’t, you just wait! While I certainly don’t enjoy waking up a sleeping child, sometimes it’s necessary for the sake of other naps or overnight sleep. So in this […]

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changing time zones

Traveling with young kids can be challenging enough (trips not vacations, right??), not to mention changing time zones and dealing with a jet lagged baby or toddler. It can be rough! But that doesn’t mean changing time zones with kids is impossible, and I certainly don’t want you avoiding family vacations and all of those […]

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Hatch Rest Toddler

I am definitely a minimalist at heart and really don’t like having extra or unnecessary things around the house – for me, Jason, or the kids. And there are SO many baby and child products out there that just aren’t necessary! In fact, there are some products that are not only unnecessary, but I really […]

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sleep training with special needs

As a special needs parent, you have a lot on your plate.  You are a parent, teacher, therapist, chauffeur, nutritionist, lawyer, nurse, and more.  It’s all the more important that you are getting the rest you need to be the best parent for your child. However, you’re reading this because (probably) your child is not […]

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road trips with kids

Road trips with kids…even though we’ve done it several times, it’s still feels like quite the ordeal each time. And planning them is one thing I’m pretty Type A about, but it’s certainly worked to our advantage. Our trips definitely don’t always go according to plan, which is to be very expected, but being prepared […]

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mouth breathing, teeth grinding, lip and tongue tie

When I work with families, I help them adjust schedules, routines, and environments, and we walk through a plan that will teach their little one to fall asleep independently; we work on making behavioral and environmental changes that lead to success! And for most families, this is exactly what they need to solve their child’s […]

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welcome to the podcast

All it Takes Is a Plan

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Being a parent is beautiful and messy, but when it comes to most things in parenting, all it takes is a plan - AND a whole lot of grace. Each week, Lauren will share new sleep tips and tricks, or simply real life parenting moments. She'll also interview other experts to share practical advice to help us navigate pregnancy, birth, babies, and beyond, with "plans" and "graces."