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Your little one's sleep doesn't have to be a mystery

Search the blog for all things newborn, baby, & toddler sleep, so you feel confident tackling whatever sleep challenges come your way

Yep, you read that title right! Stay with me… If you’ve done some research on baby and child sleep, you’ve likely heard the term “sleep prop”; a sleep prop is anything your child needs outside of themselves in order to fall and stay asleep. The most common sleep props are nursing/bottle feeding, rocking, patting, singing, […]

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As a mama of “singles,” I know how especially tiring those early days are with an infant, and I so admire the families who do it with twins (and triplets or more!). While sleep can be challenging enough as it is with just one baby, it can be all the more daunting with multiples, but […]

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“She just rubbed her eyes!” I remember having friends over when Olivia was 3ish months old, and my friend caught an eye rub that I didn’t see and she wanted to make sure I knew. RUN! She’s tired, avoid overtiredness, go lay her down, GOOOOO! I didn’t know much about sleep at the time, but […]

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Whether your baby was a pretty good newborn sleeper or not, her physical sleep will change come four months old (hello, four month regression!). Because babies’ sleep goes through a big adjustment, our approach to their sleep should adjust, too. So in this blog post, I will walk you through my top four tips for […]

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Did you know that you can sleep train AND still give your child night feedings? The two don’t have to be mutually exclusive! Sleep training is all about teaching our babies and children how to fall asleep independently (without props!), so that as they experience naturally occurring wake-ups in the night, they are able to […]

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Some of the most common questions around sleep training are, “Will my baby have to cry?” “How long will my baby cry?” “Do I have to let her cry it out?” And for some this is an uncomfortable conversation, because no one loves to hear their baby cry. To be completely honest, sleep training will […]

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family conversations

“They are very regimented about their sleep.” “She’s going to sleep already?! Didn’t she just wake up?!” “Does it really have to be that dark?” “You need to chill out.” These are just a few comments we’ve heard from family members while on our journey with sleep. It would be easy to let these comments […]

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With the school year quickly approaching (although it will look very different this year), many of you are preparing to send your child to daycare for the first time, or back to daycare after an extended period of time away. For some of you this is super exciting, while others are nervous. And I know […]

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fireworks and thunderstorms

I don’t know about you, but I love sleeping during a heavy rain. I’m thankfully a pretty deep sleeper and I don’t often wake to storms, but sometimes thunder is just so loud it startles me out of my sleep. As an adult, it may keep me up for a few minutes, but I’m always […]

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If you’ve heard me talk sleep for any amount of time, you’ve likely heard me talk about the importance of your child’s room being DARK – we’re talking, I-can’t-see-my-hand-in-front-of-my-face dark. Although there are many blackout curtains on the market, I have found that very few actually black out a room (talk about a sleep consultant’s […]

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welcome to the podcast

All it Takes Is a Plan

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Being a parent is beautiful and messy, but when it comes to most things in parenting, all it takes is a plan - AND a whole lot of grace. Each week, Lauren will share new sleep tips and tricks, or simply real life parenting moments. She'll also interview other experts to share practical advice to help us navigate pregnancy, birth, babies, and beyond, with "plans" and "graces."