May 30, 2023

She’s Now a Sleep Consultant: Maura’s Why


Hey y’all, my name is Maura! I’m a Pediatric Sleep Consultant currently living in Oceans Springs, Mississippi. I’m excited to have joined the Via Graces team in common purpose – helping families attain their individual sleep needs, with grace.

So why become a sleep consultant?

My passion for purpose and kindness while connecting with people is exactly why joining Lauren felt so natural. Sleep has always been critical to me, though I admit never being fully conscious of it. My fascination with sleep began young during years of competitive dance and sports, learning that my performance was at its best when I was well-rested.

As I said though, I wasn’t fully aware or appreciative of how important my consistent sleep really was ‘til it was lost.

My baby’s sleep journey is what inspired this shift in my career path. I’m humbled at the opportunity, and glad to be here. Lauren was the key to our success as a family, after failed attempts of self-navigating the process.

Yes, I was the proud paying client of my now “boss”, and if I may say so… what a tribute to her!

My husband “B” & I were married in 2016, and are the parents of our long-anticipated Baby J. Baby J was born in December 2020, with no family nearby to help – and no way for them to fly to us. We have moved twice since as a family, as of 2023, which is beautiful at times and challenging at others. 

Sleep was our  major “challenge” during the first move from California to Texas (Baby J was just eight weeks old). As you can imagine, like with any move, there were a lot of moving parts – movers, repairs, and so on.

We bounced from home to hotels/AirBnB’s during that time, and stayed in two temporary places until landing in our new home in Texas in late April 2020. No nursery setup, no real solution for blacking out the windows in the various locations (hadn’t yet discovered the magic of a Slumberpod), etc. and so we were winging it from day one. 

Even once we moved in, my son’s sleep didn’t go as planned, in fact I would go so far as to say it went about as off-plan as possible. We tried a couple different books and an online program to sort it out ourselves and listened to ALL the well-intended advice offered by family & friends – nothing was moving the needle. 

Between the lack of sleep/consistency, breastfeeding not going well, and no quick and tangible advice to go off of… I was becoming desperate and frankly, deeply unhappy. 

Postpartum depression wasn’t easy to navigate itself. Toss in no sleep, and we saw real negative effects on my well-being as a mom. Therefore, about six months into our struggles as parents, we sought 1:1 help; we called in an expert and I’m so glad we did.

My overall mental and physical health has improved, Baby J is two and thriving, and we are able to better balance life. Most of the time, anyways! 


At the end of the day, we all need extra help sometimes. As an adult I have noticed my needs fluctuating with life-changes, yet the key part of my day remains the same – having a solid sleep routine. My husband and I share that quality. After becoming parents and seeing ourselves slowly slip out of our individual routines, we decided to be resourceful.

 J’s sleep journey has been life changing! So much so that I felt compelled to pause my corporate ambitions to dedicate this time to sleep.

Prior to becoming a sleep consultant, I was an event producer! My career spans corporate education & events within the beauty industry, as well as holding various positions in client experience. Connecting with people is the core of anything I do.  

So let’s connect and see where this path leads us, and let’s get started on regaining your sleep confidence! I’m here to guide and support you with grace. 

With Grace,
