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Your little one's sleep doesn't have to be a mystery

Search the blog for all things newborn, baby, & toddler sleep, so you feel confident tackling whatever sleep challenges come your way

With the school year quickly approaching (although it will look very different this year), many of you are preparing to send your child to daycare for the first time, or back to daycare after an extended period of time away. For some of you this is super exciting, while others are nervous. And I know […]

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fireworks and thunderstorms

I don’t know about you, but I love sleeping during a heavy rain. I’m thankfully a pretty deep sleeper and I don’t often wake to storms, but sometimes thunder is just so loud it startles me out of my sleep. As an adult, it may keep me up for a few minutes, but I’m always […]

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understand sleep

Although I’m the one trained in all things sleep, when I start working with a family, it’s important that they have some understanding of what’s actually happening with their child’s sleep so they better understand the whys behind what we’re doing. And this is a big piece of baby and child sleep that I did […]

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baby schedule

We live in a world that runs on schedules, and many new parents live for the day when their baby is on a schedule. Although I don’t see many babies get on a “set schedule” until closer to 7-8 months, it’s absolutely possible to have your child’s wake up time and bedtime be fairly consistent […]

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Since getting married, Jason and I have always lived in small spaces. When we got pregnant with Olivia, we were in a one bedroom apartment, and I wasn’t quite sure how we’d make our space work since it was already tight. And I had my melt downs about not having space for an actual crib […]

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As we are in the midst of a global pandemic, there are so many questions surrounding our day to day. How long will this last? When will I go back to work? How will my child continue progressing in school without actually being at school? How will I balance working at home and taking care […]

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newborn sleep

I think it’s safe to say that my newborn has officially left newborn world and we have entered baby world. My husband can’t wait to throw her in the air and wrestle her, and I’m sad she’ll slowly start needing me less and less. But we’re both of course excited to continue to see who […]

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swaddle transition

One of my favorite aspects of newborn life is that sweet little baby burrito I get to snuggle. Swaddling is such an important piece of newborn sleep, but it’s also something that gets misused! With my first, we swaddled her for naps and nighttime for four+ months. I actually remember attempting to transition her after […]

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I saw a post online a few days ago with a picture of a baby nursery – the only thing in it was a crib, and the caption read something like, “All you need in a baby’s room.” And it’s so true! There are certainly “must haves” when it comes to a sleep environment, but […]

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Imagine falling asleep in the softest, coziest, warmest environment you can imagine, and then waking up a few hours later on a cold, hard floor, without any pillows or blankets. You would probably wake up confused, angry, and maybe even scared, as you have no idea what happened, and you don’t like it. This is […]

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welcome to the podcast

All it Takes Is a Plan

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Being a parent is beautiful and messy, but when it comes to most things in parenting, all it takes is a plan - AND a whole lot of grace. Each week, Lauren will share new sleep tips and tricks, or simply real life parenting moments. She'll also interview other experts to share practical advice to help us navigate pregnancy, birth, babies, and beyond, with "plans" and "graces."